Yesterday we had a very informative talk on nanoparticles termed colloids. Dr. Ray showed some great images and videos of nanoparticles in solutions.
I just saw this blog!
1. Describe your observation of the common liquid in which he started his talk.
I was 5 minutes late for class and must have missed this part. Although I thought what He presented to the class was one of the most interesting pieces and applications of nano.
2. Dr. Ray explain two ways in which keep small particles from sticking to themselves and aggregating in to large masses. He explained that the surface area of these particles is important to maintain to feel the benefits of the nanosize. Explain those two methods that he described
he talked about the large football huddle or "fight" huddle.
He talked about the two lines coming togethar and meeting and then being forced apart. I didn't understand the surface area part being important for not sticking together... but I do remember the object having the surface area the size of a football field.
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