nm comparison

nm comparison

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Slide Simulation

  • Distance of wavelengths dots are dependent on the distance of the lens from wall.  (our  measurements are from 1,250mm away from wall)
  • Distance of dots are not dependent on distance of laser.
  • Dots are bigger and brighter (more intense) at the center and fade as they travel away from the center.
(Quad II) = A vertical line of dots spaced...
Green=10 mm apart
Red = 14 mm apart
Pattern printed on the slide? 2 slit
Distance between slits on slide: 1392.28nm

(Quad I) = A vertical line of dots spaced...
Green =  7mm apart.
Red = 9mm apart
Pattern printed on the slide? 2 slits
Distance between slits on slide: 7mm/

(Quad IV) =A horizontal line of dots spaced...
Green =  7mm apart.
Red = 9mm apart
Pattern printed on the slide? 2 slits
Distance between slits on slide: 7mm

(Quad III) = A horizontal line of dots spaced...
Green= 10mm apart. 
Red = 14mm apart.
Pattern printed on the slide? 2 slits
Distance between slits on slide: 1392.28nm

slits seperation: closer = dots spread out.
slits seperation: further apart = dots closer together.

1. What is the 4 patterns printed on the slides? Somehow draw and post this pattern on your blog, and explain how you arrived at this pattern.

a & c produce the horizontal of dots.  b & d produce the vertical dots.
We experimented on the wave simulater and found a similiar pattern to ours.

2. Determine the distance between the line patterns on the slides, and how thick the lines may be based on your changing of the simulator to duplicate the pattern you measured.
Distance betwen the line patterns on the slide:  smaller slit width = more dots
Thickness of lines:   smaller slit seperation = less dots

Due to the limitations of the simulation tool, we were unable give you an accurate picture of the simulation.  Our ratio in real life was 125%. (x=1250mm,Y=10mm)  The biggest I could represent on the simulator was 7%.  Math calculations tell us that the slit width is 22nm (x=174035 nm, Y=1392.28 nm)  theta = .458356468 degrees 

3. Setup the light wave simulator to simulate the patterns on the 35 mm slides. Grab a picture of these simulations and post them for each of your patterns.

4. Which light can measure smaller things, red light or green light? Post an image of the simulator demonstrating this.
The green light can measure smaller things b/c it has shorter wavelengths. (like blue-ray= smaller burns marks for more laser)

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